3D-Printing / Additive Manufacturing (AM)

We offer full service for 3D-Printing / Additive Manufacturing (AM).

  • Design of parts
  • Optimized topology of existing parts
  • 3D-Printing parts optimization
  • Digitisation of samples
  • Manufacturing of 3D-Printed parts (plastic, stainless, aluminum etc.)

Fields of application:

  • Robot tools
  • Prototyping
  • Weight reduction

Customer Story:


The original parts were frequently broken, when changing the suction rubbers. The result was to purchase a completely new part.

The customers demand was, to have a longer lifetime of the part, so changing the suction rubber does not result in a damaged part.


The approach was, to make a 3D-Printed metal part according to the original.

However, the part was too heavy and had to be reduced in weight afterwards.

Meanwhile, the part is in production for almost 2 years without replacement!


3D-Printing Samples

Here you can find a variety of parts, we are using in our own machinery or which were customized for our customers.

If you have similar cases, please contact us.

How can we help you?

If you are interested in optimizing your machines, e.g. by reducing wear and tear, please contact us.

Maybe you have a challenge in product handling and you need a specialised tool for robots.

Together we cay analyse the current situation and check, if 3D-Printing might help.

Are you interested?

You cannot find the solution you are looking for?

Please contact us directly or use the form on contact page.