Track & Trace
The European Tobacco Product Directive (TPD 2) required the tracking and tracing of tobacco products. Once started with cigarettes and roll your own tobacco, also products like cigars and shisha tobacco are effected in the meantime.
Details can be read here: DIRECTIVE 2014/40/EU dd. 03.04.2014
Article 15 is dealing with “Traceability”
Solution for Track & Trace
Depending on production flow, we are offering different solutions.
As affordable access for smaller volumes, we offer a table solution for manual coding and aggreagtion.
For line integration we offer a separate conveying system with product coding, check and reject. By a separate LineController we collect the data and prepare it for transmitting to the EU server.
At least we are also offering the integration in your exsiting equipment. We are focused on cost efficiency and customers demand.
Track & Trace Table
Our start-up solution for Track & Trace.
With this unit you have several options to work. You can scan already existing codes with the camera and transmit to the EU server.
Or you cluster a certain amount of products, scna it and the system will create a master label for your bundle or shipping case.
Please keep in mind, that for transmitting the T & T data you will need a software provider, who can connect you to the EU server. We are pleased to support you with our advise!
Are you interested?
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